Hello everyone, I have a problem with the version of Tabbar
Using PhoneGap and I noted that following the rotation of my iphone,
the screen does not scroll more fully, and would not let me get to the
bottom of the page.
Everything works, but only in mobile safari, not in PhoneGap.
I then tried, unsuccessfully, to set PhoneGap=true in jqtbars.js
Then I tried to call jQT.setPageHeight (); after a change of
orientation, as recommended by DataZombie. I'm a nooby, but the
problem is upstream:
after several days of tests, I finally understood that the orientation
of my iphone is not detected by PhoneGap! So, no correct iscroll after
a change of direction!
Can anyone help me?
I read other posts, but have not found anything that solves the
jQT DataZombie Phonegap and orientation