AdSense Newsletter - July 2011

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July 2011
Publisher ID ca-pub-2464009680637459

Dear Publisher,

In this newsletter we'll be providing you with optimisation tips and some helpful product and policy updates. You'll find information on:

- Google +1 for websites

- AdSense Optimisation Day, September 2011, Dublin, Ireland

- A policy update on iframes

- New platforms performance report

  Optimisation Tip of the Month

Help your users promote your content
As you may know, people can already +1 your site on Google search to highlight your content to their Google contacts. We know users aren't always familiar with sites they first see in search results, and may want to recommend them after their visit. You can now make it even easier for them to do so by integrating the +1 button with your content. As a result, this makes your pages stand out in Google search, which may increase CTR on paid and organic search listings.

All you need is to implement a short string of code where you want the +1 button to appear on your pages.

  Get the code!  
It's all about location
We recommend placing +1 buttons along with your other social sharing buttons if you have them already. Other recommended locations include the top of your pages or directly after articles or other content your users will interact with.

You can also visit our 
 +1 Help Center for more details.

AdSense Updates
Policy update on iframes
Recently, we clarified the language in our program policies to prohibit the misuse of iframes to alter the behavior targeting, or appearance of AdSense ads. We have put together this blog post to explain the reasoning behind this policy and examples of inappropriate use of iframes.

New platforms performance report
You can now access a brand new report  in your AdSense account. This report  allows you to see which platforms your visitors are using to access your site and the breakdown of your earnings  according to each platform. You'll see performance data broken out by desktop, high-end mobile devices, and other mobile devices.

Learn how to use this report to optimise your site.

The AdSense Optimisation Team
AdSense Events
AdSense Optimisation Day

September 2011
Dublin, Ireland

Want to learn about increasing your AdSense earnings and improving your website usability? 

Interested in hearing about mobile trends and ensuring you're seizing the mobile opportunity?

If so, we encourage you to fill out our interest form for this 1-day event, where you'll have the opportunity to meet our team and network with fellow publishers. 

Please note that spaces are limited, and we'll confirm further details if we're able to extend an invitation. 

Publisher Case Study

AdSense success story

Michael at increased his AdSense revenue by 165% after upgrading his ad units.

Read more about the changes Michael made to see how your site can benefit by using a similar strategy. 

More about AdSense

Inside AdSense Blog

AdSense Forum

AdSense Help Center

AdSense on YouTube

© 2011 Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

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